Wednesday, July 7, 2010

High Foods and Heart Disease

With our more "fast food" dietary lifestyle cholesterol has become a major health care issue. Or at least that’s the way it used to be. In fact roughly 80% is made by the body with the other 20% coming from dietary sources.

Cholesterol, unbeknownst to many, is actually produced by the body, mostly in the liver, and is necessary for proper bodily functioning. But just what is cholesterol and where does it come from? Knowing this has caused many people to avoid cholesterol high foods in their attempt to mitigate the harmful effects it can cause. High levels of this naturally occurring substance are associated with increased risks of heart disease and stroke.

There are numerous TV and print advertisements espousing the benefits of the latest cholesterol reducing drug and for good reasons. If there is one word that is associated with potentially life threatening health issues it is cholesterol.

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